viernes, 29 de agosto de 2008

The card game

A whole lunar cycle in Arkan-9. Who would want to return to that despicable planet? Only dust, wind and heat. Nothing remarkable to do, apart from touring every tavern in there. Always looking for more liquid to content your thirsty throat. I don't know how I remained there for so much time.
In this saloon I feel quite safe. Nobody remembers this place, and it seems like time has stopped inside these old walls. Tonight we're only four people playing poker. The winner will get a remarkable prize: the company of the last wonderful girl left here. There she is, seated in a dark corner, looking into the infinite with indifference.
The game's not being very exciting. Round after round we're quite balanced. Now two pairs, now nothing, now a flush…
Don't worry, I'm going to be quite honorable with her. I'm offering her a future. Yes, tonight I'm escaping with the girl to begin a new life. She needs it, I can see by the look in her eyes, and I need it too. It 'll be just perfect.
Well, it seems that my luck is improving. Full house! With this, I'll whip some money from their pockets. Yes, I told you!
In Arkan-9, they prosecute you for hardly anything. What do you think, that lonely and apparently angelical girl I saw a week ago? She seemed so out of the place, like a cast away. I go there and tell her 'Look, I'm going to change your luck if you come with me'. And guess what, she didn't even say 'Ok, I'll think about it', no.
This lady here, I met her a couple of years ago. She's just gorgeous. I hope she'll remember me. Big brown eyes, curled, long dark hair, little nose and ears, lovely mouth and heavenly silhouette. It's perfect, I can't think about going out from here without her.
Hey! What are you doing! I shouldn't have been so self-confident. I thought he had nothing at all and look! Ok, I've got some margin.
I brought the rude girl with me, but she made the whole thing much too complicated. So I had to get rid of her, you know. And only for that, they began seeking me out. Now, I constantly feel like I have them on my back. So here I am, in Arkan-3. If you think about it, another despicable planet. In fact, this whole system is just the same rubbish. But now, I'm lucky. This girl here is different. We shall move to another system, a more climate-friendly one, I guess. She'll be happy to have found someone like me. I just can't wait to tell her.
Ok, here we go, the last round. The night is over with this one. All or nothing. Everyone's looking at each other with anxiety. Let's see what do we have here… Oh, oh, oh, look at this. A royal flush.
No one can beat this.
I love playing card games.

6 comentarios:

Eva dijo...

Amssss,....sep sep totalmente de acuerdo.
Bueno, sólo te diré una cosa:
Im - prezionante
¿O son 2 cosas? O_o

Tharkun dijo...

Te lo aclararé un poco: De cómo no me comí un rosco en el II Concurso de Prosa Narrativa Patt Moss del EIM, categoría A, temàtica 'La partida de cartes'.

Tranquilos, un día colgaré algún otro relato que no me haya dado tan mal resultado (lo que no quiere decir que haya logrado gran cosa con él, ni que me guste más o menos que éstos), o que directamente me acabe de inventar, sin posibilidad de éxito o fracaso.

강아도 dijo...

Aquests premis és que estan donats... la història molt xula, amb el teu estil (sabria que és teva amb els ulls tancats jeje), i paraules molt maques per allà al mig, està CLAR que estan donats abans els premis. O que no han estat mai a Arkan-9.

Escolta, vas el 10 a la Uni per la matrícula? No crec que et quedi res per matricular, però vaja. Si no, a veure si ens veiem algun dia! (no sé si encara tinc algo per tornar-te a tu). Has acabat el trabajillo ja o què?

Tharkun dijo...

Moltes gràcies per donar-me el teu premi personal (i per llegir-lo, deus ser l'únic que ho ha fet XD).

A la Uni hi he d'anar, no sé quin dia, per veure què passa amb el meu títol, i sí, vull que ens veiem! i tens un tuper meu XD

juiara dijo...

Jo ja saps que tmb me l'he llegit... però per si de cas, aquí t'ho deixo dit :) I ja saps que m'encanta llegir les coses que escrius ;)

Un dia podries penjar aquell text del mim, em va agradar molt :)


Tharkun dijo...

Potser el pengi algun dia, però m'esperaré una mica, que són posts més 'minimalistes' XD.